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Version 2.1

Reaching to the one individual. Pointing them to the One Jesus Christ.

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Biblical Counseling


If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him.                                          James 1:5 (AMP)

We believe the Bible provides divine direction and answers to all life's problems.  The book of Proverbs tells us how to conduct ourselves.  The book of Psalm tells us how to be thankful and to praise God.  We learn from others' mistakes and lives in the numerous Biblical accounts in both the New and Old Testaments.  Through our years of life and ministry, we have had numerous instances of practical real life application of these Biblical principles.  With us, you will find a safe environment to discuss life’s toughest issues.  We often find that most issues can be resolved through Biblical counseling but, in some cases, you may be referred for professional counseling.  Either way, we will continue to walk with you and provide Biblical insight and direction.  

We have personally taught and lead hundreds of courses.  For us, there is seldom an issue that we have not faced and can point to Biblical truths.  We believe in physical healing, but also believe that God performs miracles in our mind, will, emotions and spirit.  God not only heals but He restores, redeems and empowers for successful living.  We believe that all truth must be balanced with other Scriptural truth in order to avoid extremes or fanaticism, and moderation should show forth in our daily walk as believers.  

While your situation may seem desperate and hopeless, we know there is a God who “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us”  (Ephesians 3:20).

The Bible addresses all of life’s challenges and changes. With years of experience and drawing from Biblical knowledge, we provide encouragement, prayer, and direction to those who come to us. While we are not professional counselors, we do provide spiritual guidance for those seeking direction. We are limited to your spiritual development and encourage those with difficult circumstances to employ the services of professional counseling. Some areas of focus are: Premarital, Marital, Parental, Relationships, and Personal Direction.

We ask that you make financial contributions to the ministry with cash at the time of our meetings or via credit card by clicking the “Donate” button on this page.

Let us know how we can help you! Schedule an appointment, text or call (904-910-4722), or email us today.

Email Us Today!